It’s FREE! No set-up or program fees for organizations of any size.

Our motto is “Keep Moving” because it’s been proven that people who pursue regular, purposeful movement have better physical health, mental health, and are more productive overall. Show your employees that you care by offering our generous discount program of 30 - 40% off, available for businesses and non-profits of all sizes.

6+ Different Class Types

We offer live and on-demand online fitness classes, nutrition guides, and 1:1 coaching. Your employees can choose from 3 different Membership options. It’s monthly with no commitment; they can cancel anytime.

How It Works

The Corporate Discount Program (CDP) is completely free to set up and offer to your workforce! After you fill out our Interest Form (below) and confirm, we’ll register your business in our system and create a customized discount code. Simply inform your employees about this new option and give them the code to use if they want to join. They’ll see the discount applied every month. The discount will last as long as they’re employed with you.

This level of discount is never offered to the public and is only available through the CDP.

It’s family-friendly too; anyone in the same household can use the program.

 Organization Size Discounts:

  • 2 - 100 employees: 30% off

  • 101 - 500 employees: 35% off

  • 501+ employees: 40% off

Here are the 3 levels of Membership your employee can choose from (pricing is shown with 30% off):

  • Premium Membership (All Live & On-Demand Class Access): Normally $55/month; only $38.50/month with CDP

  • Basic Membership (All Live Classes Only): Normally $45/month; only $31.50/month with CDP

  • On-Demand Membership (On-Demand Class Access Only): Normally $12/month; only $8.40/month with CDP

  • 1:1 Coaching: With their membership, they’ll receive a discount code for 1:1 coaching.

When an employee is no longer with the company, they’re eligible to get half off of their first month when they re-join at standard rates.

Our discount program is incredibly easy and free for any organization to implement:

  1. Contact us using the form below to get more information. If you want to move forward, we’ll get your business or non-profit registered into our system.

  2. Within 2 business days, we’ll email you with your organization’s customized code and printable promotional content.

  3. Communicate the program and your organization’s unique code to your employees.

    • When they register, they can use either their work or personal email address.

    • Families in the same household can use the same account!

  4. Every 6 months, we’ll send you a list of members (either by name or Employee ID number, your choice) using your organization’s code so that you can inform us if someone is no longer with the organization. In those cases, we’ll handle all communications to have them transferred to a regular Membership.

That’s it! Get started today by filling out the form below.

 Corporate Discount Program Interest Form