Cardiovascular Training or Strength Training? Top 6 Benefits of Each!

The benefits of both cardiovascular training and strength training exercises are countless.  Understanding why we need both can be complicated; here is a simple explanation of the differences between them and how they are equally important to maintain optimum health. 

Definition of Cardiovascular/Aerobic activity: Any vigorous activity that increases heart rate and respiration and raises oxygen and blood flow throughout the body while using large muscle groups of the body repetitively and rhythmically.  The purpose of this activity is to create a stronger heart muscle.   As we perform aerobic activity our heart must work hard to pump blood and oxygen to our moving body parts. 

Definition of Strength training: Involves the performance of physical exercises that are designed to improve strength and endurance. It is often associated with the lifting of weights or utilizing resistance equipment to improve strength. Strength training is primarily anaerobic which means without oxygen. Strength training, while challenging for the body does not typically raise the heart rate to challenging limits.

We need cardiovascular activity to reap the rewards of a strong heart muscle, we also need full body strength training to support our skeletal system and continue moving.

Here are the Top 6 Benefits of each!

Cardiovascular Training

1.      Lower blood pressure.

2.      Improve blood flow.

3.      Improve workout efficiency.

4.      Lower cholesterol.

5.      Decreased risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

6.      Promote other heart-healthy habits.

Strength Training

1.      Lean muscle mass naturally diminishes with age. Strength training can    help you enhance your muscle mass at any age.

2.      Develop strong bones.

3.      Manage your weight.

4.      Enhance your quality of life by improving your ability to do everyday     activities.

5.      Manage chronic conditions.

6.      Sharpen your thinking skills.

 Before you begin any new exercise plan, talk with your doctor!

Adapted from

How much physical activity do we need? The Mayo Clinic recommendations, click here


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