Practical Tips on How to Eat More Slowly for Better Nutrition, Enjoyment, and Weight Loss

In the Be Fit Cherie Nutrition Guide for Members, a recommended practice is to eat slowly. That sounds easy enough, but if you’ve ever sat down to try it, you might wonder what it really means. Many people find it’s not quite as simple as it sounds!

We generally eat at the pace that we observed growing up. If your parent practically inhaled their food, you might do the same without even realizing it. If you were brought up with slower eaters (or in a culture that tends to eat at a slower pace, such as France), you might already do some of the practices below!

3 Benefits of Eating at a Slower Pace

Adopting a slower eating pace can have numerous benefits, including improved digestion, weight management, and increased mindfulness.

1. Enhanced Digestion: Eating slowly allows our bodies to properly break down food, aiding digestion and nutrient absorption. It reduces the risk of digestive issues such as bloating, indigestion, and acid reflux.

2. Weight Management: By eating slowly, we give our brain enough time to register feelings of fullness, preventing overeating and promoting weight management. It takes approximately 20 minutes for our brain to receive signals of satiety.

3. Mindfulness and Enjoyment: Slow eating encourages us to be fully present in the moment, allowing us to appreciate the taste, texture, and aroma of our food. It fosters a deeper connection with our meals, leading to a more enjoyable and satisfying dining experience.

Sounds great, right? Here are some practical tips on how to eat more slowly. Start with one or two of these tips and once they become habit, add more.

6 Tips to Eat More Slowly

1. Create a Distraction-Free, Calm Environment: Find a quiet and peaceful space to enjoy your meals, away from distractions such as television, phones, or computers. This can include eating with others, of course, but it’s best at a shared table instead of watching TV. This will help you focus solely on your food and eating experience.

2. Smaller Equipment: Invest in smaller plates, bowls, and utensils to encourage portion control and slower eating. These tools can help you pace yourself and savor each bite.

3. Take Smaller Bites: Instead of rushing through large mouthfuls, opt for smaller bites. This allows you to chew more thoroughly and appreciate the flavors and textures of your food.

4. Engage Your Senses: Pay attention to the aroma, taste, and texture of each bite. Take a moment to truly savor the flavors and appreciate the effort that went into preparing the meal.

5. Put Down Your Utensils After Each Bite: This simple act helps you become more aware of your eating pace and encourages you to take breaks between bites.

6. Take Sips of Water Between Every Few Bites: Hydrating during meals not only aids digestion but also slows down your eating speed. Take small sips of water between every few bites to help you pace yourself.

Incorporating slow eating into your daily routine can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. By adopting a mindful approach to eating, you can enhance digestion, manage weight, and cultivate a deeper connection with your meals. Remember, it takes time and practice to develop this habit, so be patient with yourself. Embrace the art of slow eating and savor each bite, allowing yourself to fully enjoy the nourishment and pleasure that food brings.

Try our 1:1 Coaching if you need help with anything with MOVE: Meaningful rest, Optimal nutrition, Vision for health, or Exercise. We’re here for you!

Cherie Lamb
Harvard Health Publishing


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