Forget the Gimmicks! Use the Be Fit Cherie MOVE Method for Weight Loss and Optimal Health

According to Google, the most-searched question about health is “how to lose weight fast.” In fact, it’s in the top 30 searches worldwide for 2022! People just want to look and feel their best, and they turn to the internet to find answers.

And those answers are all over the place—conflicting, confusing, and full of gimmicks and bad advice. More so, every person is different and has unique needs based on activity level, lifestyle, and more. No wonder people feel frustrated and overwhelmed.

As certified experts who’ve helped so many people lose weight and become healthier, we have good news: It’s not rocket science; it’s actually pretty simple. But it’s also not one-size-fits-all. At Be Fit Cherie, we’re here to provide clarity and support on your quest for optimal health through our Memberships and 1:1 Coaching.

That clarity starts with the Be Fit Cherie MOVE Method, which includes 4 equally important factors to build your foundation of health. Integrating each factor into your lifestyle will solidify this foundation.

Most people tend to see the 4 factors and rush to make big changes in each area too fast. But the key to success is small changes gradually. For some, that means identifying which factor is the biggest challenge and incorporating small changes. Or, for those that want to approach all 4 at the same time, that’s fine as long as the changes are small. Permanent changes don’t happen overnight!

Here are the 4 factors to MOVE:

  • Meaningful Rest: Quality sleep, recovery, and seeking calm moments every day.

  • Optimal Nutrition: Discovering your body’s unique nutritional needs to fuel your lifestyle.

  • Vision/Motivation: Forming a vision of your healthy self, setting reasonable goals, and taking proactive steps to stay motivated.

  • Exercise: Enjoying movement in order to elevate your mood, optimize metabolic health, and stay strong.

These 4 factors combined together are so important because they affect each other all the time.

For example, neglecting Meaningful Rest (such as not getting enough sleep) could result in:

  • Skipping a morning workout, or feeling unmotivated to exercise after work

  • Too tired to prep a healthy lunch, ending up at the vending machine, or other unhealthy options

  • Negative feelings: “I can’t do it … it’s impossible” or the famous, “I’ll start tomorrow. I’m too tired today.”

For many people, this vicious cycle continues day in and day out!

Our approach to implementing change is powerful and effective. In 1:1 Coaching, we help you develop simple strategies in order to make gradual changes and create lasting habits.

The MOVE Method can be a powerful tool and we hope you’ll join Be Fit Cherie today and invest in yourself with our 1:1 Coaching!


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Success Story! Linda F., Be Fit Cherie Member since 2020