Why Virtual Fitness is the Best!

  1. Consistent, high-quality experience: Cherie has over 20 years of live fitness teaching experience with people of all ages and abilities. She also carefully selects guest instructors with the same excellent qualifications. Traditional gyms tend to have a high turnover rate, which can lead to inconsistent class quality. We offer the best!

  2. Instructors that motivate: Cherie & team’s energy and motivational skills easily pop through the screen! Between the encouragement and good music, it’s easy to stay on track in class.

  3. Save time: There’s no need to hop in the car and spend lots of time going back and forth to the gym. And although you’ll need to dress for exercise, your “get-ready” time for a virtual class is much shorter!

  4. Save money: Our memberships start at $45/month; industry rates for a single fitness class are $35/class, so our memberships are an excellent value. You’ll also save big on gas and other transportation costs.

  5. Great for introverts and extroverts: In a virtual class, your level of social interaction is up to you! And although we encourage participants to have their camera on during class, it’s not required.

  6. Make it personal: Like traditional gyms, we offer 1:1 coaching and other VIP resources!

  7. Less germs: Whether or not there’s a pandemic going on, fitness at home is more hygienic.

  8. Trying new things: Have you ever wanted to try a class at a gym but felt too embarrassed? Our classes are the perfect way to try something new without worry!

  9. Or do both: Although Be Fit Cherie offers everything you need for fitness, some members keep traditional gyms too. We can also advise on the best machines for your home gym.


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