5 Ways to Get Motivated to Move

Your fitness workouts are just as important as brushing your teeth and eating food every day.  The human body is meant to move and will suffer numerous problems when movement declines. Here are 5 ways to get motivated to MOVE every single day!

1. Schedule your workouts on your appointment calendar and don't sacrifice your exercise time.

2. Track your fitness progress in a journal. Keeping track of how you feel before and after exercise can be extremely helpful. When that day's come when you just don't feel like completing your workout, reading your own affirmations about how exercise changed your mood is very powerful!

3. Do a variety of workouts! Move your body the way you like. The speed, type of movement and duration is all up to you.

4. Play music you love to move to! You know what kind of music motivates you … create a playlist or put on an artist that inspires you to MOVE.

5. Reframe your attitude about fitness. Moving your beautiful body is a luxury not everyone has. Being thankful to your body for its ability to move is motivating. Give the gift of fitness to yourself; reward yourself with a workout to show your gratitude to your amazing body!


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