Top 5 Ways to Get Back on Track When You Stray from Your Healthy Routine

You did it … you’re using the MOVE Method: Getting Meaningful Rest, focusing on Optimal Nutrition, creating a Vision of Yourself, and building strength and endurance through Exercise in Be Fit Cherie’s classes. You’re feeling great and your clothes fit better, too!

And then … someone brings in your favorite flavored mini-cupcakes to work. Your “just one” ends up being 4 … and when you get home that night, you figure, “well, I already blew it today, so I’ll just eat whatever is easy tonight!"

Or maybe you oversleep and decide to skip exercise class one day, and then suddenly it’s a week later … zero exercise. 

Life happens and sometimes it draws us away from our regular routine. This can often lead to feelings of failure or regret.  Not to fret!  We have 5 great ways to get you back on track!

  1. Realize that mistakes are a very normal part of the journey toward a healthier lifestyle. There’s nothing wrong with you, and you absolutely can get right back on that horse and carry on!  Every day is a new opportunity!

  2. Small gradual changes to get back into good habits are best. Use the Be Fit Cherie MOVE Method, choose one factor that’s the most challenging for you, and incorporate one small positive change for that behavior. Practice that one small change for 2 or 3 weeks straight, now you have created a new positive habit! Time to start on the next one small healthy change. Consistency and patience is much more important for long-term success vs. quick, short-term thinking.

  3. Stop the spiral. When you do find yourself struggling and/or in self-sabotage mode, try not to dwell on it. Move on; every day is a new opportunity to start fresh. Every time you start over with healthy habits you will build your foundation a bit stronger so you will continue to see forward progress and longer periods of success.

  4. Plan ahead. Temptations with sugary treats and unhealthy foods will always be around, whether it's at work or the next family celebration. You must plan for how you will handle that situation.  Eat a healthy meal before going to an event where little or no healthy choices are available. Bring the healthy snacks; veggie trays with hummus and ranch dressing are always a hit! Plan to drink a glass or bottle of water every hour you are at the event or before eating to create the full feeling so overeating is less likely.  Meal planning for work and events is one of the best ways to stay on track with your healthy nutrition.

  5. Log in to a class. One of the great things about our live online classes (vs. in-person gym) is that you don’t have to walk in feeling bad if you’ve gained weight or haven’t been there for a while! Just show up … you don’t even need to turn on your camera! Moving your body is therapy for your mind and body and when you’re off your routine, the best thing you can do is MOVE!  Your instructor’s encouragement is highly likely to lift your spirits and help get you back on track!

If you find yourself struggling to create healthy habits, doing self-sabotage, or lacking motivation, try our Personal Coaching. We’ll talk about each factor of the MOVE Method and help you with real-life customized strategies and accountability. 

Life can be challenging, struggles are bound to be part of the journey toward a healthier lifestyle. Consistently striving for small, gradual changes is the most important thing when it comes to developing new habits. When you find yourself off track, focus on your vision of the healthy you and the positive steps it will take to get there. Remember, every day is a new day, every day you have the opportunity to make progress towards a healthier you!


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Forget the Gimmicks! Use the Be Fit Cherie MOVE Method for Weight Loss and Optimal Health